Ultima Online Swordsmanship
With an ancient scroll in hand, the magical Swordsmanship item in Ultima Online glistens with power. As I channel my energy into it, the sword comes alive with fiery brilliance. Enchanted with the spirits of the great warriors of old, this blade holds the key to unlocking hidden knowledge. Through battles won and lost, the Swordsmanship item has absorbed the essence of countless foes, making it a formidable weapon in the hands of a skilled wizard. Amidst the chaos of the realm, this mystical sword stands as a beacon of hope, guiding the bearer towards victory in the darkest of times.
Price: $14.99
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Primer on Swordsmanship Mastery Volume III (Atlantic Server)
Price: $11.99
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Primer on Bushido Mastery Volume III
Price: $11.99
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Primer on Swordsmanship Mastery Volume III
Lava Proof Hook
Compassion Sage
Price: $44.99
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Mask of Khal Ankur
Price: $35.99
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Mark of Travesty (Chivalry, Resisting Spells)
Price: $23.99
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Mark of Travesty (Bushido, Parrying)
Price: $23.99
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Mark of Travesty (Ninjitsu, Stealth)
Price: $11.99
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Mark of Travesty (Swordsmanship, Tactics)
Legendary Mage Leggings
Kasa Of The Raj-In
Dread Pirate Hat (Fencing)
Black Lotus Hood
Dread Pirate Hat (Swordsmanship)
Dread Pirate Hat (Mace Fighting)
Giant Steps Gargoyles
Price: $38.39
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Conjurer's Trinket - Undead Slayer [Halloween 2008 Event]
Soldier's Medal (Tactics)
Flute Of Renewal - Repond Slayer
Flute Of Renewal - Arachnid Slayer
Essence Of Battle
Price: $99.99
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Silverbranch Bow
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 48%, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Soul Glaive - SSI, HML, HSL, HLD, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Bokuto - SC, FC-1, HLD, DI, SSI, Hit Lightning
Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Equivocation - Random Slayer
Craven - Random Slayer Gargoyles
Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Blade Of The Righteous - Demon Slayer
Zyronic Claw - Elemental Slayer
Blight Of The Tundra - Random Slayer Gargoyles
Peasant's Bokuto - Snake Slayer
Defiler Of Virtue - Fey Slayer
Soul Seeker - Repond Slayer
Pixie Swatter - Fey Slayer
Ironwood Composite Bow - Fey Slayer
Lerei's Hunting Spear - Reptile Slayer
The Grim Reaper's Scythe [Halloween 2006 Event]
Swords Of Prosperity (Luck)
The Holy Sword - Undead Slayer
The Redeemer - Undead Slayer, Demon Slayer
Paladin Sword
Light In The Void - Undead Slayer Gargoyles
The Deceiver
Dupre's Sword
Misericord - Wolf Slayer
The Berserker's Maul
Jade War Axe - Reptile Slayer
Petrified Snake - Reptile Slayer Gargoyles
Night's Kiss - Repond Slayer
Demon Hunter's Standard - Demon Slayer
Mischief Maker - Undead Slayer
Raptor Claw - Undead Slayer Gargoyles
Illustrious Wand of Thundering Glory
Jaana's Staff
100 Essence of Precision
10 Void Core
100 Silver Serpent Venom
Demon Skull
Legendary Scroll Of Bushido (120 Skill)
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