Ultima Online Weapons

Equip yourself for battle with a wide range of powerful weapons in Ultima Online. From deadly swords and axes to precision bows and crossbows, we offer a diverse selection of weapons for every combat style. Whether you're a warrior specializing in Swordsmanship, Fencing, or Mace Fighting, or an archer wielding a bow, our weapons are crafted to give you the edge in PvP and PvM combat. Many of these weapons come with special properties such as Spell Channeling, Hit Mana Leech, and Swing Speed Increase, allowing you to maximize your damage output while maintaining versatility in battle. We also offer rare artifacts and crafted items, including the coveted Super Slayer weapon sets, designed to deal maximum damage to specific creature types. With customizable special moves and properties, these weapons are essential for anyone looking to dominate in the dungeons of Britannia or on the battlefield.

Nightmare [Publish 96] - Trained to 5 Slots
Nightmare [Publish 96]
Ancient Hell Hound
Ethereal Ki-Rin
Primer on Bushido Mastery Volume III
Primer on Swordsmanship Mastery Volume III
Dredging Hook
Blundercannon [Rising Tide Event]
Undertaker's Staff
Smuggler's Edge
Mark of Travesty (Healing, Anatomy)
Mark of Travesty (Provocation, Musicianship)
Cuffs of the Archmage [Gargoyles Only]
Mark of Travesty (Swordsmanship, Tactics)
Legendary Archer/Warrior Helm
Legendary Archer/Warrior Arms
Legendary Archer/Warrior Gorget
Prismatic Lenses
Protector Of The Battle Mage
Lyrical Reading Glasses
Captain John's Hat [Replica] (Swordsmanship)
Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses [Gargoyles Only]
Gypsy Headdress - Museum Of Vesper Replica
The Inquisitor's Resolution
Hat Of The Magi
Night Eyes
Voice Of The Fallen King
Ancient Samurai Do
Shroud Of Deceit [Replica] (Resisting Spells)
Solaria's Secret Poisons (Ninjitsu) [Treasure]
Solaria's Secret Poisons (Ninjitsu) [Gargoyles Only] [Treasure]
An Bal Xen [Treasures of Demonic Forces Event]
Cingulum of Juo’nar [Treasures of Archlich Event]
Talons of Escaping [Gargoyles Only] [Treasure]
Royal Guard Investigator [Replica] (Stealth)
Serpent's Bite (Luck) [Treasures of the Feudal Lands]
Soldier's Medal (Tactics)
Mana Phasing Orb - HCI, SDI
Flute Of Renewal - Repond Slayer
Mythical Detective Of The Royal Guard [Replica]
Flute Of Renewal - Reptile Slayer
Mana Phasing Orb - HCI, DI
Primordial Decay
Arachnid Doom
Shroud Of The Condemned
Essence Of Battle
Big Majik Flippers [Orc]
Boots Of The Thrasher
Talisman Of The Fey (Reptalon Form)
Boots Of The Crystal Hydra [Gargoyles Only]
Ember of Wildfire [Treasures of Wildfire Event]
Silverbranch Bow [Treasures of Fey Wrath Event]
Silver Tipped Cyclone [Treasures of Fey Wrath Event]
Bramble Barb Whip
Briar Thorn Whip
Scrapper's Compendium - 25% SDI, Reptile Slayer
Drusilla's Athame [Treasures of Wildfire Event]
Drusilla's Athame [Gargoyles Only] [Treasures of Wildfire Event]
Storm Lord's Steel
Weeping Edge [Treasures of the Feudal Lands]
Bow Of The Infinite Swarm
Glaive Of The Infinite Swarm [Gargoyles Only]
Reforged Soul Glaive - SSI 30%, HML 50%, Hit Area, Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
Halawa's Hunting Bow - Eodon Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
Reforged Soul Glaive - SSI 30%, HML 50%, HLD, Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
Reforged Exceptional Weapon - 190 Luck + 4 Mods
Eternal Guardian Staff (Mysticism)
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 48%, HLD, Slayer
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 48%, HSL, Slayer
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 48%, Hit Area, Slayer
Barbed Whip of Plundering [Rising Tide Event]
Bladed Whip of Plundering [Rising Tide Event]
Spiked Whip of Plundering [Rising Tide Event]
Reforged Exceptional Double Axe - 100 Elemental Damage + 5 Mods
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 41%, HLD, Slayer
Double Axe - 100 Ele Damage + HML, HSL, Area, Hit Lightning, Slayer
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 41%, HSL, Slayer
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Exceptional Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Reforged Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 41%, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Reforged Exceptional Composite Bow - 100 Elemental Damage + 5 Mods
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Broadsword - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Spiked Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Barbed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Barbed Whip - HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Bladed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Bladed Whip - HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Bladed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Spiked Whip - HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Slayer
Exceptional Barbed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Soul Glaive - SSI, HML, HSL, HLD, Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
Exceptional Soul Glaive - SSI, HML, HSL, HLD, Hit Lightning
Exceptional Soul Glaive - SSI, HML, HSL, HLD, Hit Area [Gargoyles Only]
Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 34%, HSL, HLD, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - Balanced, HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area
Exceptional Bokuto - SC, FC-1, HLD, DI, SSI, Hit Lightning
Reforged Two Handed Axe - Balanced, HML, HSL, HLD, HLA
Reforged Two Handed Axe - Balanced, HML, HSL, Hit Area, Hit Harm
Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 34%, HLD, Hit Area, Slayer
Composite Bow - SSI 40%, HML 34%, HSL, Hit Area, Slayer
Double Axe - 100% Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, Hit Area, Hit Lightning, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - 100% Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Elemental Damage + HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Elemental Damage + HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Lightning, Slayer
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Hit Lightning
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLD, Hit Area, Hit Lightning
Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Hit Lightning
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Elemental Damage + HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, Hit Area
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Elemental Damage + HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, HLA
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Elemental Damage + HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Reforged Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, Hit Lightning
Double Axe - 100 Ele Dmg + HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Skullcarver [Rising Tide Event]
Skullcarver [Gargoyle Only] [Rising Tide Event]
Kotl Black Rod
Craven - Random Slayer
Captain Johne's Blade - Random Slayer
Captain Johne's Blade - Random Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
Imbued Weapon - 5 Mods
Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Bladed Staff - HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, Hit Lightning
Bladed Staff - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Bladed Staff - HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, Slayer
Bladed Staff - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Hammer Pick - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Area
Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Area
Leafblade - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Bladed Staff - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Bladed Staff - HML, HSL, HLL, HLD, HLA
Barbed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Spiked Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Spiked Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Barbed Whip - HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Slayer
Barbed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Katana - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Slayer
Katana - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Slayer
Katana - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Lightning
Katana - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Lightning
Katana - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Katana - HML, HSL, HLD, HLA, Hit Area
Bladed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, Hit Area, Slayer
Bladed Whip - HML, HSL, HLA, Hit Area, Slayer
Bladed Whip - HML, HSL, HLL, HLA, Hit Area
Sign Of Order (Chivalry)
Luminous Rune Blade
Geoffrey's Axe - Museum Of Vesper Replica - Random Slayer
Sword Of Justice - Museum Of Vesper Replica - Random Slayer
Blackthorn's Kryss - Museum Of Vesper Replica - Random Slayer
Titan's Hammer
Draconi's Wrath
Blade Of Insanity
Serpent's Fang
The Taskmaster
Shamino's Best Crossbow
Ironwood Composite Bow - Fey Slayer
Abyssal Blade [Gargoyles Only]
The Grim Reaper's Scythe [Halloween 2006 Event]
Axe Of The Heavens
Sword Of The Stampede
Talon Bite
Righteous Anger
Captain Quacklebush's Cutlass
Cold Blood
Blaze Of Death
The Destroyer
Overseer Sundered Blade
Diseased Machete
The Culling Blade
Berserker's Scythe - Demon Slayer [Warriors of Destiny Event]
The Redeemer - Undead Slayer, Demon Slayer [Warriors of Destiny Event]
Paladin Sword
Royal Guard Survival Knife [Replica] (Luck)
Brave Knight Of The Britannia [Replica]
Axe Of Abandon
Smiling Moon Blade
Sword Of Shattered Hopes [Gargoyles Only]
Blade Of Battle [Gargoyles Only]
Axes Of Fury [Gargoyles Only]
The Deceiver
Dupre's Sword
Melisande's Corroded Hatchet (Lumberjacking)
Balakai's Shaman Staff (Meditation)
Halawa's Hunting Bow - Eodon Slayer
Moctapotl's Obsidian Sword
Berserker’s Bardiche [Ophidian War Event]
Misericord - Wolf Slayer
Inavlis’s Burchete [Ophidian War Event]
Obsidian Blade [Warriors of Destiny Event]
Sign of Order Chivalry Gargoyles
Brightblade [Gargoyles Only]
Book of Chivalry
The Berserker's Maul
Bone Crusher
Wind's Edge
Arctic Death Dealer
Dragon Nunchaku
Phantom Staff
Death's Head [Gargoyles Only]
The Dragon Slayer - Dragon Slayer
Darkened Sky
Luna Lance
Demon Forks
Oblivion's Needle [Replica]
Claws Of The Berserker
Dread's Revenge
Vorpal Blade - Repond Slayer [Warriors of Destiny Event]
Lerei's Hunting Spear - Reptile Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
The Dryad Bow
Wildfire Bow
Bow Of The Juka King - Reptile Slayer
Hanzo's Bow
Runed Driftwood Bow
Storm Caller [Gargoyles Only]
Valkyrie's Glaive [Gargoyles Only]
Stone Slith Claw - Demon Slayer [Gargoyles Only]
Legacy Of The Dread Lord
Raed's Glory
Blade Dance
Nox Ranger's Heavy Crossbow
Cold Forged Blade
Silvani's Feywood Bow
Staff Of Pyros - Undead Slayer [Warriors of Destiny Event]
Planesword [Warriors of Destiny Event]
Fang Of Ractus [Replica]
Resonant Staff Of Enlightenment
Illustrious Wand of Thundering Glory
Staff Of Shattered Dreams [Gargoyles Only]
Staff Of Resonance [Gargoyles Only]
Subdue [Replica]
Tongue Of The Beast [Replica]
recipe scroll [Luminous Rune Blade]
100 Daemon Claw
Scoured Plating of Invulnerability (Dragon)
recipe scroll [Blight Gripped Longbow]
100 Raptor Teeth
100 Blood Of The Dark Father
100 Corruption
Automaton Actuator [Treasures of the Kotl City Event]
10 Void Core
100 Scourge
100 Slith Tongue
Harvester's Blade
Harvester's Axe
500 Grapeshot
10000 Crossbow Bolts
Death's Essence
Plague Beast
Red Death
Tormented Minotaur
Blood #2
Blood #3
Field of Blades
Daemonic Lord of " Name" #4
Britannia Royal Zoo Member Plain Dress
Honorable Swords Of "Name"
Hanging Swords
Hanging Axes
Roasting Pig On A Spit
Ophidian Warrior
Hand Of The Defiler
Candy Cane Staff [The Krampus Encounter Event]
Legendary Scroll Of Swordsmanship (120 Skill)
White Wyrm [Publish 96]

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